Cutting Tool Supplies - Indexable Tooling & Inserts For Sale | Americas Tooling - (101092 Products)
S10M-SCLCL2 Boring Bar - .625 Shank - 6" OAL-.700 Minimum Bore
Item #: ME1210140
Manufacturer: Maxx Edge
Mfg #:
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Maxx Edge
•Dimension F: .2890
•Insert IC: 1/4
•Insert Screw: TX25
•Lead Angle: 95
•Minimum Bore: .6650
•Model Number: S10MSCLCL2
•Overall Length: 6.000
•Right/Left Hand: Left
•Shank Diameter: 5/8
•Type: SCLC
•Use Insert: CCMT 21.5_
•Wrench: CT08
•Positive 80°
•Uses CCMT style inserts
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .4500
•Dimensions - Height: .700 Length: 6.50 Width: .800
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S24U MVUNR3 Steel Boring Bar
Item #: FG551512
Manufacturer: Ultra-Dex
Mfg #: S24U MVUNR
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Ultra-Dex
•Center Height: 1.120
•Clamp: CL-20
•Clamp Screw: XNS-47
•Insert IC: 3/8
•Lock Pin: NL-34L
•Minimum Bore: 1.960
•Model Number: S24U MVUNR3
•Overall Length: 14
•Seat: IVSN-322
•Shank Diameter: 1-1/2
•Type: Indexable Boring Bar
•Use Insert: VNMG 332
• -3° Lead
•No coolant
•Takes negative 35° diamond inserts
•4:1 Ratio
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 6.5000
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S10Q SDUCR2 Steel Boring Bar
Item #: FG551401
Manufacturer: Ultra-Dex
Mfg #: S10Q SDUCR
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Ultra-Dex
•Center Height: .500
•Insert IC: 1/4
•Insert Screw: MTS-255
•Minimum Bore: .850
•Model Number: S10Q SDUCR2
•Overall Length: 7
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Shank Diameter: 5/8
•Torx Key: T-7
•Type: Indexable Boring Bar
•Use Insert: DCMT 21.51
•-3° Lead
•No coolant
•Takes positive 55° diamond inserts
•4:1 Ratio
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .6620
•Shipping Weight - 577.0000
•Dimensions - Height: 1.25 Length: 8025 Width: 1.25
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S10S-SVMCR-2 Right Hand 5/8 Shank Indexable Boring Bar
Item #: FL4555731
Manufacturer: Dorian
Mfg #: 55731
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Dorian
•Depth of Cut: 1.500
•Dimension F: .4060
•Insert IC: 1/4
•Minimum Bore: .9800
•Model Number: S10S-SVMCR-2
•Overall Length: 10.0000
•Rake Angle: 5°
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Shank Diameter: .6250
•Torx Screw: TS25456M2
•Type: Indexable Boring Bar
•Use Insert: VC_T22_
•Wrench: T8
•Style M
•Negative 5° Side Cutting Edge Angle for 7° Positive 35° Diamond VC_T Inserts
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0030
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Item #: EH2801889
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 2801889
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Iscar
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .1320
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C06M-SWLCR2 Solid Carbide Boring Bar
Item #: FG550194
Manufacturer: Ultra-Dex
Mfg #: C06MSWLCR2
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Ultra-Dex
•Center Height: .203
•Insert IC: 1/4
•Insert Screw: MTS-255
•Minimum Bore: .400
•Model Number: C06M SWLCR2
•Overall Length: 6
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Seat Screw: MTS 255
•Shank Diameter: 3/8
•Type: Indexable Boring Bar
•Use Insert: WCMT 21.51
•Wrench: T-7
•5° Lead angle
•80° Trigon screw down - no coolant
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .3500
•Dimensions - Height: .430 Length: 6.58 Width: 2.12
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C08J STUCR2 Solid Carbide Boring Bar
Item #: FG550565
Manufacturer: Ultra-Dex
Mfg #: C08JSTUCR2
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Ultra-Dex
•Center Height: .281
•Insert IC: 1/4
•Insert Screw: MTS-255
•Minimum Bore: .560
•Model Number: C08J STUCR2
•Overall Length: 4.5
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Seat Screw: MTS 255
•Shank Diameter: 1/2
•Type: Indexable Boring Bar
•Use Insert: TCMT 21.51
•Wrench: T-7
•3° Lead angle
•No coolant
•8:1 Ratio
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .4000
•Dimensions - Height: .560 Length: 4.80 Width: 2.00
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Indexable Boring Bar - S-SCLCR 16-4 Right Hand 1" SH
Item #: EH3600832
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 3600832
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Clamp Screw: SR 16-212
•Dimension F: .6300
•Minimum Bore: 1.2200
•Model Number: S-SCLCR 16-4
•Overall Length: 12.0000
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Shank Diameter: 1.0000
•Type: Trigon Indexable BoringBars
•Wrench: T-20/5
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 2.5030
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S16S MTUNR3 Steel Boring Bar
Item #: FG551472
Manufacturer: Ultra-Dex
Mfg #: S16S MTUNR
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Ultra-Dex
•Center Height: .640
•Clamp: CL-7
•Clamp Screw: XNS-36
•Insert IC: 3/8
•Lock Pin: NL-33L
•Minimum Bore: 1.200
•Model Number: S16S MTUNR3
•Overall Length: 10
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Seat: -
•Shank Diameter: 1
•Type: Indexable Boring Bar
•Use Insert: TNMG 332
•-3° Lead
•No coolant
•Takes negative triangle inserts
•4:1 Ratio
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 2.2000
•Dimensions - Height: 1.20 Length: 10.0 Width: 1.20
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Item #: IC033606220
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 3606220
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .1323
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C08J SCLCR3 Solid Carbide Boring Bar
Item #: FG551041
Manufacturer: Ultra-Dex
Mfg #: C08JSCLCR3
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Ultra-Dex
•Center Height: .344
•Insert IC: 3/8
•Insert Screw: MTS-35
•Minimum Bore: .625
•Model Number: C08J SCLCR3
•Overall Length: 4.5
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Shank Diameter: 1/2
•Type: Indexable Boring Bar
•Use Insert: CCMT 32.51
•Wrench: T-15
•-5° Lead
•Takes positive 80° diamond inserts
•No coolant
•8:1 Ratio
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .4500
•Dimensions - Height: .580 Length: 5.00 Width: 2.25
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S12S-STUCR-3 Right Hand 3/4 Shank Indexable Boring Bar
Item #: FL4555631
Manufacturer: Dorian
Mfg #: 55631
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Dorian
•Depth of Cut: 1.875
•Dimension F: .5000
•Distance Across Flats: .700
•Insert IC: 3/8
•Lead Angle: 3°
•Minimum Bore: .9540
•Model Number: S12S-STUCR-3
•Overall Length: 10.0000
•Rake Angle: 8°
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Shank Diameter: .7500
•Torx Screw: TS478M1
•Type: Indexable Boring Bar
•Use Insert: TC_T32.5_
•Wrench: T15
•Style U
•Negative 3° End Cutting Edge Angle for 7° positive triangle TC_T inserts
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 1.1500
•Dimensions - Height: .900 Length: 9.90 Width: .900
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S20U-MDUNR-4 Right Hand 1-1/4 Shank Indexable Boring Bar
Item #: FL4543171
Manufacturer: Dorian
Mfg #: 55070
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Dorian
•Clamp: CL12
•Clamp Screw: XNS59
•Dimension F: 1.0000
•Distance Across Flats: 1.150
•Insert IC: 1/2
•Lead Angle: 3°
•Lock Pin: NL46
•Minimum Bore: 2.0000
•Model Number: S20U-MDUNR-4
•Overall Length: 14.0000
•Rake Angle: 11°
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Seat: IDSN433
•Seat Screw: S46
•Shank Diameter: 1.2500
•Type: Indexable Boring Bar
•Use Insert: DNM_43_
•Style U
•Negative 3° End Cutting Edge Angle for negative 55° diamond DNM_ inserts
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 4.5500
•Dimensions - Height: 1.95 Length: 14.0 Width: 1.77
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S32V-MCLNR-6 Right Hand 2" Shank Indexable Boring Bar
Item #: FL4543520
Manufacturer: Dorian
Mfg #: 55042
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Dorian
•Clamp: CL12
•Clamp Screw: XNS510
•Dimension F: 1.2810
•Insert IC: 3/4
•Lead Angle: 5°
•Lock Pin: NL68
•Minimum Bore: 2.5620
•Model Number: S32V-MCLNR-6
•Overall Length: 16.0000
•Rake Angle: 11°
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Seat Screw: S68
•Shank Diameter: 2.0000
•Shim Seat: ICSN633
•Type: Indexable Boring Bar
•Use Insert: CNM_64_
•S-MCLN R/L Boring Bars
•Style LNegative 5° Side & End Cutting Edge Angle for negative 80° diamond CNMG inserts
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 13.7000
•Dimensions - Height: 2.00 Length: 15.5 Width: 1.93
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S24U-MTFNR-4 Right Hand 1-1/2 Shank Indexable Boring Bar
Item #: FL4543192
Manufacturer: Dorian
Mfg #: 55174
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Dorian
•Clamp: CL9
•Clamp Screw: XNS59
•Dimension F: .8900
•Distance Across Flats: 1.400
•Insert IC: 1/2
•Lead Angle: 0°
•Lock Pin: NL46
•Minimum Bore: 2.0600
•Model Number: S24U-MTFNR-4
•Overall Length: 14.0000
•Rake Angle: 11°
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Seat: ITSN433
•Seat Screw: S46
•Shank Diameter: 1.5000
•Type: Indexable Boring Bar
•Use Insert: TNM_43_
•Sytle F
•0° End Cutting Edge Angle for negative triangle TNM_ inserts
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 6.7000
•Dimensions - Height: 1.90 Length: 14.1 Width: 1.90
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Item #: EH2800950
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 2800950
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Iscar
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .2430
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Indexable Boring Bar Set- 5/8" SH Dia-7/16" Min Bore
Item #: FL51ID625
Manufacturer: Borite
Mfg #: ID625
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Borite
•Maximum Bore: 1-1/4 to 2-7/8
•Minimum Bore: 7/16
•Overall Length: 3 to 4-5/8
•Set Includes: FL51-7SD, FL51-7LD, FL51-8SD, FL51-8LD, FL51-9SD, FL51-9LD
•Shank Diameter: 5/8
•Type: Indexable Boring Bar Set
•Borite Boring Bars
•The ultimate in boring tools for fine precision tool room or production boring work.
•3-Position Ground Cutting Edges
•Reliability Within ±.001
•Choice of Carbide Grades
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 1.9360
•Dimensions - Height: 3.50 Length: 6.00 Width: 5.50
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S04G STUCR1.2 Steel Boring Bar
Item #: FG551310
Manufacturer: Ultra-Dex
Mfg #: S04G STUCR
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Ultra-Dex
•Center Height: .138
•Insert IC: 5/32
•Insert Screw: MTS-184
•Minimum Bore: .275
•Model Number: S04G STUCR1.2
•Overall Length: 3.5
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Shank Diameter: 1/4
•Torx Key: T-6
•Type: Indexable Boring Bar
•Use Insert: TCMT
•-3° Lead
•No coolant
•Takes positive triangle inserts
•4:1 Ratio
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0500
•Dimensions - Height: .320 Length: 3.80 Width: 1.80
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S06H-SCLCR-2 - Boring Bar
Item #: IC033670322
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 3670322
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Dimension F: .2360
•Insert IC: 1/4
•Insert Screw: TS-25.45-6M1
•Lead Angle: 5°
•Minimum Bore: .3940
•Model Number: S06HSCLCR2
•Overall Length: 4
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Shank Diameter: 3/8
•Torx Key: DS-T07F
•Type: Turning Toolholder-Standard
•Use Insert: CC__21.5_
•Right hand shown
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .2800
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S20NER3 Top Notch Boring Bar 1-1/4 Shank
Item #: ME2210370
Manufacturer: Maxx Edge
Mfg #:
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Maxx Edge
•Center Height: .875
•Clamp: CM73
•Clamp Screw: S412
•Minimum Bore: 1.7500
•Model Number: S20 NER 3
•Overall Length: 14.000
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Shank Diameter: 1-1/4
•Type: Indexable Boring Bar
•Use Insert: NT 3, NG 3, NR 3
•Internal toolholder
•For use with all Top Notch and Top Lock style threading and grooving inserts
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 4.6500
•Dimensions - Height: 1.50 Length: 14.2 Width: 1.60
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